Information for Participants
Site Access and Start Times
Due to limited parking space, access to the site will be by shuttle bus only. Shuttle buses will leave from the P2 parking lot located on Simard St, 500 metres east of the alpine ski resort (left on Rd. 360). The parking lot is visible at the end of Simard St. See the site access map.
Note: a stop will be made at the main chalet of the Cross-Country Ski Center.
- 50 km :
- Start time: “To be confirmed”
- Departure of the shuttles : “To be confirmed”
- Be in the parking lot no later than “To be confirmed”
- 25 km :
- Start time: “To be confirmed”
- Departure of the shuttles: “To be confirmed”
- Be in the parking lot no later than “To be confirmed”
- 15 km (Individual & Family) :
- Start time: “To be confirmed”
- Departure of the shuttles:”To be confirmed”
- Be in the parking lot no later than “To be confirmed”
Start time: You must be in the start preparation area 10 minutes before your start time.
Accompanying persons and spectators: Accompanying persons and spectators must use the shuttle service. Priority is given to participants.
Continuous shuttle service: The shuttle service will be continuous for spectators and for participants who have completed their events.
Course Maps
Consult the “Courses” section to download the course map for your event . Maps will also be displayed near the start area.
Awards will be given to the first 3 men and women in each event and also to the first 3 teams for the 15 km – Family event (Please note that for the 15 km – Familiy, the reference time is that of the 2nd member of the team to cross the finish line).
Bibs Distribution
We encourage you to come pick up your bib on Saturday, March 29, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the event site or between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the Mont-Sainte-Anne Convention Center, next to the Marriott hotel as part of the “CNEPH Cocktail”.
Bibs will also be available on Saturday, on the vent site, just before the start of the races.
Feed Stations and Meal Services
The main feed station is located to the right of the starting area. Two additional feed stations will be available. Consult the course maps for more information.
Our partner, Club Nordique Mont-Sainte-Anne, is happy to offer you a light meal and beverages after the finish line.
Personal Effects
Please bring only the strict minimum in a backpack you can leave at the Athletes’ Chalet. Avoid bringing any valuables, and be ready to ski when you arrive!
There is no indoor wax room at the event site. We suggest you prepare your skis the day before the event.
A waxing service if offered by CNEPH’s coaches. For more information on this service and cost, please contact Louis Bouchard, head coach : louis.bouchard@hotmail.com
Please contact secretariat@classiquealexharvey.com